Who attends DHA? Hackers, makers, breakers, red team, blue team, purple team, developers, entrepreneurs, managers, students, retirees, recruiters, and occasionally a Fed or two 😉Who attends DHA? Hackers, makers, breakers, red team, blue team, purple team, developers, entrepreneurs, managers, students, retirees, recruiters, and occasionally a Fed or two 😉
What is DHA?
DHA is a monthly Con in Dallas. We typically have about 2-hours worth of short firetalks from anyone that would like to speak on a topic for around 10-minutes or less. No vendor or recruiter talks! There will be a “who’s hiring/who’s looking” at the end of the meeting. Then, finally, it’s socializing until you feel like leaving.

When is DHA?
We meet at 7PM on the 1st Wednesday of every month.
Where is DHA?
We meet at Family Karaoke in Dallas.